A view of the mountains from a trail.

Our Process

Your financial security is the focus of Kult Wealth Management’s services. We lead you through the following steps to help protect and enhance your wealth:

  • 1 Assessment
    Meet with us to discuss your financial goals, timeline, and risk comfort level.
  • 2 Proposal
    See how Kult Wealth Management can help you attain your financial goals.
  • 3 Portfolio Design
    We design an asset allocation plan for you, detailing how various types of investments should be weighted within your portfolio. Then we choose specific investments from various asset classes, drawing on our roster of indexes and investment managers. Income tax considerations factor heavily when designing taxable portfolios.
  • 4 Rebalancing
    As investment market ups and downs create shifts in your portfolio weightings or your financial needs change, we rebalance your investments (lighten up on some, buy more of others) back to our targeted asset allocation. Tax consequences are considered before rebalancing taxable portfolios.
  • 5 Reporting
    You receive quarterly portfolio statements from us that clearly illustrate your portfolio’s status and performance. We do not change our reporting depending on how investment markets have performed; we believe in clear, honest communication with you.